Our Mission

We are transforming lives, bringing joy and laughter, and uplifting our communities, one real moment at a time.

Meet the Jenkins

LaShawn Jenkins

The fun-loving, God-fearing, visionary and patriarch of the family.

LaToya Jenkins

The passionate, dedicated and fearless mom and wife.

Krislyn (Krissy) Jenkins

The dynamic, edgy, and influential teenager dancing to the beat of her own drum.

Kaitlyn (Katie) Jenkins

The creative, fashionista and boss lady with a flare for the dramatics and a passion for baking.

Kaden (KJ) Jenkins

The lego building, robotics loving, mischievous, big dreamer, getting into good trouble.

Khloe Jenkins

The bold and charming preschooler in charge, who knows what she wants and how to get it.

Elikai (Kai) Jenkins

The calm, cool, and collected (except when he wants mommy) baby boy, who loves a good adventure, being silly, and hanging with the big kids.